Data Structures

  • What is OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)

    What is OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)?

    Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a category of data processing tools and technologies designed for complex querying and analysis of multidimensional data. OLAP systems enable users to interactively explore and analyze data from different perspectives and dimensions, providing insights for decision-making and business analysis. Key Concepts of OLAP Multidimensional Data Model: Dimensions: Categories or perspectives through which data is analyzed…

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  • what is multidimensional data

    What is Multidimensional Data?

    Multidimensional data refers to data organized in multiple dimensions or axes, allowing for the representation and analysis of more complex structures and relationships. Unlike one-dimensional data (a single list or array), multidimensional data involves arrays or matrices that can have more than one dimension, such as rows and columns in a table or additional layers. Key Concepts of Multidimensional Data…

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  • What is Array

    What is Array?

    An array is a fundamental data structure used to store a collection of elements, all of which are of the same type. Arrays provide a way to organize data so that it can be efficiently accessed and manipulated. Key Characteristics of Arrays Fixed Size: The size of an array is typically defined at the time of its creation and cannot…

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  • What is Data Structures

    What is Data Structures?

    Data structures are specialized formats for organizing and storing data in a computer so that it can be accessed and modified efficiently. They are essential for managing and manipulating data in programming and software development. Different data structures offer various ways to handle data, each suited to particular types of operations and use cases. Types of Data Structures 1. Primitive…

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